6 Reasons Running is Good for You

Photo Courtesy: AntonioGuillem ©crestock.com
Running is the best cardio fitness workout. A regular fitness regime of running would help you stay fit and healthy. Running helps you maintain both physical and mental health. For those men who spend long stretched hours in front of the PC or have desk jobs that provide no opportunity to enroll at a gym, running is a great form of workout. It keeps the heart healthy, keeps obesity at bay, it also helps improve your stamina and keeps your body toned. Here are 6 reasons running is good for you.
1. Reduces stress
Running as a form of exercise is very rejuvenating. It helps you concentrate and focus better. It helps you release all the stress and tension. It makes you feel good from within and makes your mind clear and fresh.
2. Enhances stamina and energy
If you run regularly and make it a fixed routine, you would notice your stamina builds up. It also increases your level of energy; you feel more active. You would feel energetic throughout the day and it would reflect in your work.
3. Helps in weight loss and toning
Running regularly surely helps you to lose the extra pounds and fats. If your body is in good shape, it helps you to tone your body and maintain the good shape. It helps you cut down the calories and manage your weight.