6 Reasons Why a One Night Stand is a Bad Idea

Photo Courtesy: pressmaster ©crestock.com
People have different views and opinions about one night stands. It may seem to be very adventurous and a wild thing to do but it has many drawbacks as well. Here are 6 reasons why a one night stand is a bad idea.
1. You may contract sexually transmitted diseases
When you get involved in one night stands, you don’t know about the girl’s medical history. She may be infected with some STD and you would contract the same. You would put your life into danger just for the sake of a night’s fun.
2. You may find it difficult to commit
When you become used to one night stands, it becomes difficult to be in a committed relationship. You become used to relationships where no strings are attached; there are no responsibilities and bondage. This will make it difficult for you to settle down in life.
3. You may get used to it
Something that comes your way easily and is less complicated would always attract you. One night stands would give you pleasure, fun and no complications so you would become used to it.