6 Reasons Why Women are Difficult to Understand

Photo Courtesy: mrhayata
No man has ever been able to understand a woman and probably never will. Because a woman is a mystery to herself as well. The female sex acts on impulse and tends to be much more contradictory in their actions and words; she will say something but do something else altogether. Women are simply a bunch of contradictions. Read on to know the irony of what all they say and do why it’s difficult to understand women.
1. They say fine when nothing is fine for them
If you have ever come across an irritated woman who has somewhat accepted your decision over hers, then she will probably end the argument by sighing out a loud, “Fine!” Beware though, this means nothing is really fine; she isn’t actually feeling fine about the issue and she will make you feel it is anything but fine.
2. They say, “Do whatever you want” but expect otherwise
Remember, it is impossible to win an argument with a woman so even if she finishes a fight with such a declaration which allows you to do ‘whatever’ you want, you are not really as free as you think. In fact this declaration is her way of saying that she wants you to do exactly what she wants and that’s what eventually will happen anyway.
3. They talk about women’s rights but treat other women badly
It is unfortunate that while women blabber on about how badly men treat them, the fact is they treat each other even more badly. They will bitch about each other, indulge in bullying or grouping to isolate another girl, take jibes at each other, albeit in a fake smiling way, and then blame men for being bad to women. If anything, men are actually considerate toward their female pals.