6 Reasons Why Women Worry So Much About their Appearances

Photo Courtesy: scottsnyde
Before you discard some girl as being shallow because she is too much into her looks, try to understand why she is the way she is. It is not true that every woman worries about her looks because she enjoys wearing makeup or always wants to look her best. It is not easy and not every one does it voluntarily. We give you some of the reasons that explain why women worry so much about their appearances.
1. Social conditioning
Even before women started working, they used to doll up and look their best for their husbands. This is how they have been brought up. The idea of looking good all the time is drilled into their psyche right from childhood. Whether they are in school, or a party, or at home, they are constantly reminded of how important it is to look their best. These influences affect their behavior as adults.
2. Media representations
Everywhere you see, there are a range of beauty products for women, slimming centers, endless options in clothing to choose from. Be it media or showbiz, you are constantly bombarded with the image of beauty. You always see thin, beautiful models, actresses, TV hosts, etc. This largely affects what the society deems beautiful. As a result, there is a constant struggle to match up to that image of beauty.
3. First impressions
It is all about attracting the opposite sex. Every woman wants a loving boyfriend, partner, or a husband. In most cases, she is more likely to get male attention if she is well-dressed and looks pretty than if she is in baggy wreck less clothes and is plain-faced. At least as far as first impressions go, appearances seem to play a big role.