6 Signs That She is The One

Photo Courtesy: Ashley MacKinnon
In a world teeming with billions of people, it is not easy to find ‘The One’, your soulmate, life partner or whatever you would like to call that person who would be your special someone. However, if you do find a gem of a woman and are feeling that your search for a good partner seems to have ended with her, then this checklist should help you confirm it.
1. She is there for you always
She always has your back and is ever ready to listen to your problems. This doesn’t mean that she would leave all her work and come rushing to you. If she is busy then she would remember your call and pick up from where the conversation was left. She encourages you to take big steps in life, believe in yourself and stands by you through thick and thin.
2. You can talk to her about any subject under the sun
A good indication of whether you have found a person you can bear to be with for the rest of your life is the conversations you two have. Sexual chemistry is very important but one shouldn’t make that the basis of commitment for it will fade away in sometime and what will be left would be conversations between the two of you’ll. If you both share a high level of compatibility, chemistry, comfort and can be yourselves and talk about any subject under the sun, then you both are made for each other.
3. Life with her is better and smooth sailing
Your life seems to have become better overall since she entered it. You have more peace of mind and are at ease. Things are smooth sailing and there is no major drama or conflict. In short, you already feel settled and happy without even having committed to her properly. Don’t waste your time looking out for other girls, for you surely wouldn’t want this girl to be the one that got away.