6 Signs You Are a Chauvinistic Boyfriend

Photo Courtesy: prosto photos
Do you ever treat your girlfriend as if she is inferior to you? Do you threaten her if she does anything you don’t like? Do you believe that she can’t perform multiple jobs as well as you just because she is a woman? If your answer to all these questions is yes, you could be a chauvinistic boyfriend. Here are some more signs that may point towards the same thing.
1. You take decisions on her behalf
Whether it is about who she meets, where she works, what she wears or who she calls – if you are taking every single decision of her life on her behalf, you are being quite chauvinistic. Your girlfriend has the right of doing what she wants to.
2. You ask her to change many facets of her personality
If you are constantly demanding that your girlfriend should change something about herself, you may be being high handed with her. Requesting your girlfriend to alter some of her behavioral traits because you feel uncomfortable with them is one thing and wanting to change her completely is something entirely different.
3. You tell your girlfriend off in front of other people
Telling off your girlfriend in front of others is not only rude because she is your girlfriend but also because she is a lady. If you have any concerns, you can always take her aside and talk to her. There is no reason to show her in poor light by washing dirty linen in public.
4. Your expectations in the bedroom make her uncomfortable
Physical intimacy becomes beautiful and heavenly only when it is born out of mutual consent. If your girlfriend finds your demands in the bedroom strange, weird, uncomfortable or overwhelming, you could be crossing the line and coming across as a sexist.