6 Signs You are a Late Bloomer

Photo Courtesy: AntonioGuillem ©crestock.com
You are getting into your teens and you feel that things are going to be exciting in the next phase of your life. It is the adolescent age and you have heard from friends and read in magazines about how flowery the world gets around when you enter puberty. You have had talks with your parents and with your friends about the changes you are going to undergo physically. But as you grow, you find that things are not as rosy as they seemed or were supposed to be. But do not worry as it simply means that you are a late bloomer. Here are some signs which may indicate that you are a late bloomer.
1. No change in your voice
There are certain physical changes in your body during your adolescent age, which take you towards your puberty. In boys, the time is anywhere around 12 to 14 years. The first change is a little harshness in voice. At times the voice gets husky also. You might squeak while talking. If anything of this sort is not happening and there is no change in your voice, then you might be a late bloomer. You will find your friends or boys of your own age group having a different voice from what they had earlier. So, take it as your first sign of being a late bloomer.
2. No pubic hair
In boys, at the age of 14 or so, there is a visible growth of hair at the groin area, under the arms and sometimes over the chest. If there isn’t any such hair growth in your body, then it is a sure sign of you being a late bloomer. In some boys, even the facial hair start showing. If your facial hair is also not showing till you are 15, then you are a late bloomer.
3. Growth of reproductive organs is less or negligible
During the adolescent period, the penis and the testicles start growing larger than what they have been. The growth starts with the testicles first. This is due to the hormonal changes in your body. If you have crossed 15 and yet there is less or negligible growth in your groin area, it is a sign of being a late bloomer.