6 Signs Your Daughter is Dating Someone

Photo Courtesy: jean-louis zimmermann
It’s a tough task being a parent, especially when you are raising a teenager. They tend to become more reclusive and spend time with their peers. It’s also an age when they start experimenting with romance. The best way to know if your daughter is having an affair is by asking her upfront. However, be certain about it by considering these factors first.
1. She is glued to her phone
The biggest giveaway clue should be huge phone bills and her long time phone usage. You see her head buried in her phone or her ear glued to it. She is constantly messaging and talking on the phone more than usual. This sudden urge to communicate so much could stem from an active love life.
2. She has become busier
She is out of the house everyday doing something or the other. She seems to have become busier all of a sudden even though her school or college routine is almost the same as before.
3. She has become secretive
The more you try to talk to her, the more she seems to be hiding. She talks to you only when necessary or for small talk, not exactly revealing what she does through the day.