6 Things Every Man Should Own

Photo Courtesy: pressmaster ©crestock.com
What makes a man, man? Definitely not a great collection of clothes and shoes. Well, a man may have those too, but it is surely not enough for him. There are a couple of things which every man should own, not just to prove that he is a real man, but because they are extremely essential for his survival. Here is a list of such things.
1. Wristwatch
It is extremely important for a man to have a wristwatch. Yes, you could definitely check the time on your cell phone, but a wristwatch shows class and also proposes that you care about time.
2. Backpack
Irrespective of whether you have a suitcase or attaché, a backpack is compulsory for a man, because you can just stuff in your things into it and go for any destination at any time. This is applicable for men because they are mostly quite impulsive regarding travel.
3. Bike
A bike is the best mode of transportation for a guy who has to go somewhere alone or maybe with a friend. You can avoid the traffic congestion caused by cars and reach your destination faster. Nothing makes a man feel more manly than zooming away in his bike.