6 Things to be Sure of Before Getting Married

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A marriage is a serious, life changing institution that needs to be thought over carefully. Not everyone is made for marriage, and there is no harm in accepting that you are not marriage material. Whether you are having second thoughts about getting married or not, you should run through these 6 questions thoroughly, and only then decide your next course of action.
1. Can you envision your future with her?
Make sure that you see only your to be wife as your lover and soul mate in the future. There can be no room for ex girlfriends, future prospects or flirting with other women. Are you confident enough that you will stay with her forever and not get wavered by anything?
2. Do you both have similar goals and requirements from life?
Have this important discussion with your prospective wife time and again before taking the plunge. Do you want similar things in life? Discuss about your careers and having kids in future. Talk about where you both would be residing, how you would be staying and if there are any unfulfilled dreams to be fulfilled. Don’t get married in the zest of the moment, ever.
3. Are both your families really fine with this decision?
Parental support is more important than people give it credit for, especially while getting married. If you both are completely fine with both the sets of parents, then it’s a cakewalk. However, you and your partner need to be strong enough and give each other the assurance of lifetime love in case one set or both sets of parents are not up for the union.