6 Tips for Impressing Your Girlfriend’s Father

sxc.hu: muco
Impressing your girlfriend’s dad, many a times seems even more difficult than impressing her in the first place. You have to be careful because you are not sure about what sort of a person you are going to come across. These 6 tips should help you get into your girlfriends’s dad’s good books.
1. Take an interest in him
When you meet him don’t just sit there quietly, make conversation and initiate talks. Take interest in what he has to say, his likes, dislikes, opinions, hobbies, work, etc. Don’t treat him like some formality that you just have to get done with. Girls’ fathers are quite protective and wish the best for their daughters, so you better come across as the best for her.
2. Help around the house
Aid her father by helping around the house. Show him that you are an independent and reliable man who knows how to fix things and run a house.
3. Take good care of his daughter
What matters the most to a father is the happiness of his daughter. Make sure you look after her well, respect her and love her. When her father realizes that she is the happiest with you, he is bound to melt.