6 Tips for Men to Ooze Confidence Through Body Language

Photo Courtesy: pressmaster ©crestock.com
A man’s body language will completely reveal his level of self-confidence and self-esteem. If you want to make a nice first impression in front of others, here are tips which you can use to ooze confidence through your body language.
1. Keep your hands by your side
Do you have the habit of folding your hands while standing in a public place? Would you generally put your hands in the pockets of your trousers? If you do, you are displaying body language signs of low confidence levels. A man who is confidence about his looks and his posture generally tends to have his hands by the side of his body. His palms are also left open and not clenched into stressful looking fists.
2. Don’t walk with a hunched back
A straight back is an instantly noticed sign of confidence. Working in the exact opposite manner, a hunched back gives the impression that you have a low self-esteem and have extremely depleting levels of self-confidence. You can easily correct this by keeping a straight back while walking and following up the straight lines of your body by keeping a straight neck and holding your head up straight. Practice the same posture while sitting.
3. Don’t give loose handshakes
When it comes to interpersonal interaction, a firm handshake is a sign of confidence in a man’s body language. A very loose handshake is known to show a lack of physical strength and it is not something that a confident guy would do.