6 Tips on How to Get Over Your Crush

Photo Courtesy: andronicusmax
Crushes are nothing but little fantasies people create in their heads when they are infatuated by someone. They make life interesting and it feels like we are living a movie. However, it’s difficult to get over a lovely girl whom you have a crush on for various reasons. She may be having a boyfriend, you may not have enough courage to confess, you may not want to ruin the friendship, etc. Whatever the reason is, here are ways to get over your crush once and for all.
1. Distance yourself
The first step after rejection is to distance yourself from her as much as possible, at least until you feel you are over her. Change your schedule or timings so that you avoid running into her or seeing her. Don’t talk much to her and eventually time and distance will heal your broken heart.
2. Think of something else
If your crush is already taken, or is not that into you, or not ready for a relationship, then you ought to divert your mind from her. Spend more time in the gym, working on bettering yourself physically as well as mentally, and by also concentrating on work or studies. Every time her thought pops up in your mind, think about something else altogether.
3. Profess
Heartbreak becomes easier to deal with when you know you have tried but failed. The more you keep it inside you, the more pain you will feel. You have nothing to lose by letting her know about your feelings. She might just say yes, and you would then feel like a moron to not have professed all this time.