6 Tips to Avoid Hurting Your Girlfriend’s Ego

Photo Courtesy: Jules Minus
In a relationship, ego clashes can be quite common. But don’t make the mistake of letting it ruin your relationship. If you are doing things that hurt your girl’s ego, it’s time to make some changes. Here are 6 tips you can follow so as not to injure your girlfriend’s ego.
1. Criticize her carefully
Be careful in the way you point out your girlfriend’s mistakes. Be polite and explain to her calmly why you think she is wrong. If you make her feel low and blame her, it will only aggravate things.
2. Don’t be dominating
Resist the feeling to dominate! It will serve nothing except hitting her ego hard and making her feel like she doesn’t have a say in anything. You need to consider and respect her choices and opinions every time. Let her know that she is an equal and you respect her opinion.
3. Learn to appreciate her
It is important to appreciate your girlfriend’s efforts. Notice them and show that you care. This way she will know that her efforts aren’t in vain. Choosing to criticize her for things she does for you will only make you look like the bad guy.