6 Tips to be a Good Team Player

Photo Courtesy: afroboof
When you are a part of a team, ‘I’ gives way to ‘We’ and a good team player would undergo this transition easily. If you aspire to be a team player who is adored by his team mates then you could follow these 6 tips and strike the right chord with your colleagues.
1.Get involved
As soon as your team is assigned to you, start getting involved in the work you have to do. Don’t delay things as you should keep in mind that if you procrastinate, your team might suffer.
2.Be proactive
Apart from doing the work assigned you can earn brownie points with all the members by taking the effort to be proactive. You can come up with ideas and strategies and if you have free time, you can volunteer to share the workload of a fellow member who may be struggling with his work.
3.Avoid arguments and fights
In a high pressure work environment with deadlines looming over everyone’s heads, people tend to get easily irked by the smallest things. However, the key to success is maintaining your cool and helping others to maintain their’s too. Try to avoid getting into silly arguments and fights as much as possible as they would only lead to delays, frustration and an unhealthy work atmosphere.