6 Tips to be a Good Wingman for Your Friend

Photo Courtesy: mushanga
Guys keep using their friends as wingmen when hitting on girls in a public scenario such as a party, club, bar, event, etc. The wingman is essentially the important guy for his buddy to get a date as he is the one who introduces the girl to him and veers the conversation in such a way that the girl starts falling for his friend. Some guys are natural and perpetual wingmen who have the natural skill to chat up girls and most guys seek to take them along to places. If you are scheduled to be the wingman for your friend or find yourself often in such a situation, do take a tip or 2 from this list.
1. Don’t dress sharper than your mate
If it’s decided between you both, as to who would be the wingman, then dress less dapper than your buddy to let him shine in the limelight. Even if it’s decided on the spur of the moment, you could always tone down your look by ruffling your hair a bit, losing that jacket or removing any accessory.
2. Get friendly with her gang
In order to distract the main girl’s attention from her friends to your buddy, you ought to get pally with her friends. After introducing your friend, make sure her friends are not getting bored and clamoring for her attention, otherwise the plan could backfire. Thus keep her friends engaged.
3. Praise your buddy
The job of the wingman is essentially to market his pal as a potential date to the ladies. Thus you ought to be all praises for him and never utter a negative thing about him as this would spoil his image in front of the prospective girl.