6 Tips to Be a Popular Guy at Work

Photo Courtesy: Victor1558
To be a popular guy at work, you need to have a fun personality, good attitude, helpful approach and good work ethics. Here are 6 ways in which you can garner a good reputation and become popular among your fellow work colleagues.
1. Don’t be taken for granted
No one likes a pushover at work. If anyone and everyone dictates you and pushes you around to do their menial chores, you are probably not going to be very popular. Be the boss of your will and stop being taken for granted by your colleagues. Once your office mates see that you will stand up for your rights, they will have a new found sense of respect for you.
2. Help your colleagues
Be willing to help your colleagues when they need your help. Being popular at work involves the responsibility of helping fellow team mates when they need it the most. Whether it is helping the girl who sits next to you with her presentation or helping the boss strategize his million dollar idea, do your bit to sort out the troubles faced by your colleagues to be in their good books.
3. Get things done
To be popular at work, be the guy who can get things done. Whether it is clinching a business deal or getting the boss to agree to your idea, make sure that you can get the job done. Everyone likes to have a go-getter in their team and if you can get the job done every time, you will be liked by all.
4. Bring small presents on your colleagues’ birthdays
Make the birthdays of your colleagues special by bringing small tokens or gifts. It can be something as small as a bouquet, box of chocolates, coffee mug or a pen. The trick is to stand out from the crowd and establish a special connection with your colleagues.
5. Be willing to stay back when work load is high
It is natural to want to go back home when your shift gets over but good work ethic suggests that you stay back when the work load is high and deadlines need to be met. Do your employer and your boss a favor by willing to forgo an hour of your pay to stay back and get the work done. Your bosses will notice your commitment, put more trust in you and give you more responsibility, making you a popular guy at work.
6. Dress well and look good
No one likes to work with a colleague who wears shabby clothes and has a poor sense of hygiene. If you want your team mates to like you, put in effort to dress well and look good. In a typical office environment, men should be looking to wear nicely ironed formal shirt and pants with facial hair shaved or groomed. Shoes should be free of dirt and colorful socks should be avoided.