6 Tips to be the Man of Her Dreams

Photo Courtesy: couragextoxlive
Most men claim that they can’t understand women. But, the fact is that a woman is an open book and she asks for nothing more than true love. You don’t have to be the hottest in town or a businessman showing off your greenbacks to woo the girl. Still confused on how to be the man of her dreams? Read on:
1. Intensify your attraction for the girl
The way to a girl’s heart is through her eyes. Simply look at her and admire her for what she is. Attraction is mutual. It’s when both the guy and the girl get the adrenaline rush that things get spiced up. Show her that you’re eyeing her through simple and innocuous gestures to capture a place in her mind.
2. Exude confidence
This personality trait works wonders with both the sexes. A confident man shows that he can manage things, take responsibilities and most importantly enjoy life. A self-assured guy who steals the heart away is truly any girl’s dream man.
3. Be possessive and jealous at times
Girls get overwhelmed when they see someone getting possessive of them. It shows that you’re dieing to spend your life with her. The fact that you like her so much will give butterflies in her stomach and this excitement should keep the relationship going. Don’t overdo it though as you may come across as desperate.