6 Tips to Make a Great Impression on the First Day of Your Job

Photo Courtesy: Alex France
So you have landed on a new job and you are anxious about meeting new people and being exposed to a new environment. Have you thought about what you can do to make a good impression on the first day of your job? Read these tips to find out.
1. Get to work fifteen minutes early
Being late for work on your first day to work is out of the question. In fact you should make it a point to reach fifteen minutes early so that if any other employee or senior colleague spots you, he/she will instantly have a very punctual image about you. Getting to work early will also help you cool your nerves down, get familiar with your desk and get ready for the day ahead.
2. Remember everyone’s names beforehand
If you haven’t had a chance to interact with, or meet your colleagues after your appointment to your new job, try to remember every one by their first names. You can do this by referring to the organizational chart of your company or by looking on the company’s official website. If you can do a quick background check on your immediate colleagues on social media, it will help you to start conversations with them.
3. Have a standard introduction for yourself
Fumbling while introducing yourself to your colleagues can be your biggest faux pas in making an impression on the first day of your job. Chances are that you will have plenty of occasions to introduce yourself to everyone throughout the day. So it is best to have a standard description so that there are no discrepancies and you come across as confident and unfaltering.