6 Tips to Plan for Guests Visiting Your Bachelor Pad

Photo Courtesy: Drew Fansler
Guys love their messy bachelor pads and even if they are the neat kinds, it just tends to get messy because who has the time to clean up? When guests come knocking, no, not your male buddies but family members, relatives or female friends, it’s essential that you come across as a guy in control. Employ these easy tips to make your house perfect for guests to feel all warm and welcome.
1. Clean up the house
The first and foremost thing to do prior to welcoming guests is to tidy up your place. It is not as tiresome and time consuming as you think it is and can be done within an hour or less. Make sure you actually clean up your place and not just stash stuff under beds or in cupboards. That is plain immature and if your guests happen to spot it, you are in for embarrassment.
2. Whip up a quick dish
Learn a nice quick recipe from the internet or any fast food cookbook, preferably a microwave dish and whip it up for your guests. Serve it along with beverages or juices.
3. Start early
Don’t put off the preparations that go into welcoming your guests till the last minute. Start at least a couple of hours prior to their arrival. Better to be ready before time than run helter-skelter later, and thus appear incompetent to your guests.