6 Tips to Save Your Relationship from Jealousy

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Is jealousy eating away your relationship? Are you losing your peace of mind because of a jealous girlfriend? Jealousy can destroy a relationship if it is not controlled in time. Read these tips to find out how to save your relationship from jealousy.
1. Inform your girlfriend about your whereabouts
Your girlfriend could be insecure about your relationship because she doesn’t know enough about your whereabouts. If she gets a sense of you being at a different place every time she calls you, she may start getting jealous by imagining things that she may not need to. Keep your girlfriend informed about where you are going to be at different times during the day so that she knows you are not up to something fishy.
2. Use words of assurance with your girlfriend
Never take your girlfriend for granted when it comes to jealousy. The power of words can work strongly in keeping your girlfriend’s jealous pangs at bay. Talk to her and pacify her by expressing how much you love her. Use romantic lines to let her know that you would never think about anyone else but her. This may help in rescuing your relationship from jealousy.
3. Introduce your girlfriend to all your workmates and friends
Jealousy often stems from the unknown. If your girlfriend knows all the people you work or study with, she is likely to be at ease about the people with whom you spend a lot of time. Make it a point to introduce her to all your friends or colleagues, especially the ladies. This way she will realize that you give her no reason to be jealous.