6 Useful Tips to Avoid Procrastination

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Procrastination is a deadly habit because it makes your tasks pile up and reduces your efficiency in getting things done. If you want to stop procrastination and use your time effectively, here are a few tips you should use.
1. List down the repercussions of procrastination
If you want to stop procrastinating, you will have to first realize how it is negatively impacting your life. Unless you understand the gravity of the situation and the amount of time you are losing by procrastination, you will not be able to address the problem. Make a list of all the repercussions and ill-effects that procrastination has on your life. As you make the list, you may get a wakeup call and realize that you should avoid delaying things.
2. Reprimand yourself when you procrastinate
A useful tip to avoid procrastination is to punish yourself when you do so. If you let yourself go scot free every time you procrastinate, you will never be able to keep your tardiness in check. Punish yourself when you unnecessarily delay things. Take away some of your own luxuries or don’t allow yourself to do things you like. This will pinch you and make you understand that you would not be going through all this had you completed the tasks at hand.
3. Make each task seem doable and easy
To attack the problem of procrastination, you must get to the root of what is causing it. It could be possible that you are delaying your work because it seems too complicated and tedious to do. If this is the case, then you should break down one big task into various smaller tasks and take up one task at a time. This will make the job seem less complicated and you will be able to avoid procrastination.