6 Ways to Deal With Controlling Parents

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Having controlling parents can be difficult, especially if you are in or around your teenage years. This is the time when parents tend to be the most demanding and nosey. Here are few ideas for dealing with controlling parents.
1. Observe what makes your parents get into a dominating mode
If you want to tackle your controlling parents, you will first have to identify the specifics of their behavior. Do your mom and dad behave in an annoying way all the time or just after a fight? Do they become controlling when you have done something wrong or are like this by default? Making notes of all these things will help you to deal with the situation better.
2. Talk to your parents about the problem
At some point, you will have to confront your parents about the problem you are facing. If you think that they have become too controlling off late, report the problem to them before it gets unmanageable. Don’t let your emotions pile up. Sit with them and talk them through your feelings. Ask them how their behavior is impacting you on a daily basis and brainstorm for what adjustments you can make. Although this is easier said than done, beginning to talk about it may solve half your problem.
3. Ignore petty instances of controlling
Parents are known to be inherently controlling by nature, especially when kids are going through their teenage years and need closer monitoring. If your mom is constantly asking you details about your date, checking on your school work, pestering you to get back home early or forcing you to call your grandparents every week, don’t get put off by it. This is a part and parcel of a parent’s job and your mom is just doing hers. Don’t flag this situation until your parents hit an extreme.