6 Ways to Deal With Your Girlfriend’s Jealous Ex

Photo Courtesy: Ρanayotis
Jealous exes can be an unfortunate part of many couples’ relationships. If your girlfriend’s jealous ex is harassing her or if he is trying to create a barrier in your present relationship, you may have to take a few steps to deal with him. Here’s what you can do.
1. Ask your girlfriend to stop feeling guilty about her ex
You will not be able to deal with your girlfriend’s jealous ex if she gets weak every time she has an encounter with him. Whether your girlfriend broke up with her ex on good terms or not, there is no way she should feel guilty about it. Only when she is confident and strong enough to deal with her ex, will you be able to help yourself in dealing with him too.
2. Watch your girlfriend’s ex on social media
Jealousy can make people do strange things and maiming your girlfriend’s name on the internet could be a top item on her ex’s agenda. Back lashing on social media has become quite common and your girlfriend’s ex could be posting pictures or bad comments about both of you to malign your reputation. You don’t need to become an obsessive spy but you should keep a regular check on what your girlfriend’s ex is doing online.
3. Be nonchalant and unresponsive
When can an ex be successful in conveying his jealousy? When he gets a response and sees that his ex-girlfriend and her current partner are becoming uncomfortable. So, the easiest way to not let the flames of envy get to you is to avoid your girlfriend’s ex. Don’t respond to his obsessive phone calls, emails, in-person encounters or any other form of communication. Don’t let him irk or irritate you and ask your girlfriend to behave in the same way.