6 Ways to Find Your Mission in Your Life

Photo Courtesy: Elvert Barnes
Some people naturally discover what the mission of their life is, while others have to look deeper and put effort in knowing the same. But finding the purpose of your life is important otherwise you will not be able to look forward in life. Here are a few ways in which you can find your true calling.
1. Know your aptitude
Before you start dreaming about what you want to become and the goals that you want to accomplish, you first have to know your aptitude. Your aptitude is the combination of the talents that you are naturally blessed with, along with the skills you have acquired in your lifetime. Your mission in life will be largely determined by your aptitude. For example, if you don’t have an aptitude for numbers, your mission in life cannot be to become a great statistician.
2. Recognize what you like
It will be easy for you to find out what your mission in life is, if you can understand what you like or recognize the things that you are inclined to. For example, if you like spending time with children, your mission in life could be to teach. If you like social services, your mission in life could be to become a politician and bring about change in the world. Your mission should ideally follow what your liking is.
3. Know what you want from life
Once you have recognized what you like and what you are fond of, you have to decide what you want in life. If your mission is to live life luxuriously, you have to do something that will make you rich. If your mission in life is to find out the cure of cancer, you should be studying medicine. You have to know what exactly you want from life to so that you can align your mission accordingly.