6 Ways to Get a Girl to Notice You in a Party

Photo Courtesy: Achi Raz
Behaving in a macho way and standing in a corner will not be enough to get a girl to notice you in a party. She will just feel that you are arrogant or too reserved. You will have to try hard and make a good impression on her. Here are some excellent ways to get her attention in a party.
1. Wear your smartest clothes
Even if it is a casual gathering, make it a point to wear a nicely pressed shirt and a freshly washed pair of jeans. Complete your look with a trendy pair of sneakers. If it is a formal party, make sure that you wear nicely ironed formal shirt and trousers, and a blazer if necessary. Complete your look with nicely polished formal shoes. First impressions are everything when you want a girl to notice you in a party and wearing smart clothes is a must if you want to grab someone’s attention.
2. Make eye contact and smile at her
A girl will never find out if you are trying to get her to notice you if you don’t make any form of eye contact. Find a spot in the room where you are in her line of sight and glance at her a few times. Once you make eye contact, don’t look away. Give her a small smile and you will immediately catch her eye. Judge her reaction and let her know that you acknowledge the eye contact with a friendly nod of your head. She will instantly notice these signs of attraction.
3. Talk to her friends
A great way to get a girl to notice you at a party is to talk to her friends. If you know any of her friends, go up to them and start a conversation. Make sure that the conversation is full of jokes and humor so that you appear like a jovial guy. This is a nice way of getting close to her without approaching her directly. She will instantly notice you when her own friends crowd around and mingle with you.