6 Ways to Make Up with Your Girlfriend After a Fight

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Does one fight with your girlfriend always lead to another? Do arguments spin out of control in your relationship? Here is how you can cut your battles short and make up with your girlfriend without creating a mess.
1. Apologize with a nice little gift
A great way of letting your girlfriend know that you regret having a fight with her is to apologize for your behavior and give her a little gift. This gift doesn’t need to be expensive or huge. It can be a small bottle of perfume or a small box of chocolates. A gift will let her know that you are really serious about pacifying her and spending some quality time with her after a fight.
2. Don’t always wait for her to start a conversation after a fight
Do you always wait for your girlfriend to take the first step and start a conversation with you after a fight? If you are doing this, you could be making her feel bad for always having to take the initiative. After you have a fight, walk up to your girlfriend and start a random conversation in a non-confrontational tone. Don’t expect her to melt immediately and work your way towards making her smile. She will like the fact that you were the bigger person and initiated a conversation after a fight.
3. Just say that you are sorry
Sometimes a genuine and honest apology is all that is needed to calm things down between a boyfriend and his girlfriend after a fight. You may be surprised to find out that the same tactic could work in your relationship too. Emotions and tempers generally run high after a fight and sometimes a pure apology can work wonders. Just apologize and say you are sorry without giving excuses or adding a taunt to your apology.