6 Ways to Win Your Stepchildren’s Hearts

Photo Courtesy: Leonid Mamchenkov
People say being a parent is a tough lifelong task. However being a step parent is more so. Children take time to warm up to a new member in the family and you don’t have to rush them anyway. If you are a new stepdad and would like your kids to merely reciprocate your love, care and attention, then follow these tips; they are sure to call you ‘Dad’ by themselves soon.
1. Spend individual time with them
One on one time spent with them without their mom is very crucial to the building of this relationship. When you are with their mom, they would invariably talk only to her but when they are with you, they will be compelled to talk to you. Your partner would in fact love to leave you all alone to get to know each other better. Take them to places, help them out with projects, cook meals for and with them when your partner can’t make it for lunch or dinner or is out of town due to work.
2. Take them to their favorite places
Get to know where they like to go, what they like to do, their interest, hobbies and passions. Likewise support them. For example, if your step son loves baseball, take him to matches or if your step daughter secretly wishes to be a chef, start preparing for her future keeping her passion in mind.
3. Be a friend to them
More than anything, you have to be a friend to them. Know what is going on in their lives, plan family outings, encourage them to share with you whatever they wish to. Initially they may outright reject your advances but you and your partner, their mother, will have to be patient and good enough to keep on going at it until they melt.