7 Biggest Mistakes Guys Make While Hitting on Girls

Photo Courtesy: foshie
It’s mostly up to guys to make the first move in the dating game and more often than not, they go wrong. Girls are choosier than guys, and hence, you have to make sure that you don’t commit these mistakes listed here while trying to court a female.
1. Brag about yourself
Guys think speaking about their achievements and possessions will impress girls. However, this is far from the truth. Women cannot stand guys who boast and brag or even seem to be doing so. Let her ask questions and know for herself how good you are, instead of ranting about it to her and coming across as a man who is full of himself.
2. Let her do the talking
Yes, girls love to talk and they speak nineteen to a dozen but that certainly does not mean that you only be the listener. Eventually you will have to play the role of a mum listener, future into the relationship, but at the start of it, to make a good impression, you ought to contribute more to the conversation than her.
3. Use cheesy pickup lines
Another huge mistake men do is to use pickup lines, most of which are very cheesy and corny. They will make the girl laugh or puke instead of making her go mad for you. Better to cut the ice between the two of you with a simple Hi and a compliment.
4. Take to long to make the first move
Don’t hesitate to approach a girl with whom you have been making eye contact with. If you make her wait too long, she is going to lose interest and move on. Better to approach whenever you feel she is reciprocating your admiration.