7 Common Fashion Mistake that Guys Make

Photo Courtesy: aetb ©crestock.com
A fashion mistake in formal clothes can ruin a job interview or a presentation, and a fashion blunder in casual clothes can make you look less appealing. Either way, fashion mistakes damage your image and personality. If you are unsure about your choices in clothes and accessories, avoid these common fashion mistakes at any cost.
1. Wearing tube socks with formal wear
Tube socks are meant to be worn with a casual look when you are wearing sports shoes or some kind of sneakers. Men are supposed to wear tube socks while jogging, playing sports or going to the gym. But some guys make the mistake of wearing tube socks with formal wear. Just because the color of your tube socks is black, does not mean that you can wear them with formal clothes.
2. Buttoning up all the buttons of a suit
If you are going to wear a suit or blazer, always keep in mind not to close all the buttons. Just close the top button if you are wearing a two-button blazer. If you have a three-button blazer, you can close either just the first, or the first two buttons. Closing all the buttons on a suit will be a complete fashion blunder.
3. Length of trousers too short or too long
Many men face the problem of not being able to get the length of their trousers up to perfection. A guy’s pants should ideally finish at the ankles where they can comfortably cover the opening of the shoe. But many guys make the fashion mistake of wearing trousers that finish way above the ankles. Some wear pants that finish way below the ankles, giving a very baggy and unkempt look.
4. Pairing a tie with a half-sleeve shirt
There is no reason why you should be wearing a tie with a half-sleeve shirt unless your company dressing policy dictates so. Ties were worn with short sleeve shirts in the 80’s and 90’s but they are now considered to be a fashion blunder. If you are going to wear a tie to complement your professional look, make sure that you wear a full-sleeve shirt.