7 Common Grooming Mistakes Guys Make

Photo Courtesy: apdk
The true meaning of grooming is not confined to only being well dressed and well mannered. In today’s world, besides these, appearance also does matter. No, you do not have to look like a hunk; your face is God given and you cannot change that. But what you can control is the way you look. You also ought to take proper care of your health and hygiene as it all adds up to how people see you and what impression they make of you. Listed below are the most common grooming mistakes guys make.
1. Using worn-out razors
Treat you face a little more gently and stop using one razor for weeks and months because they do wear out, and after some time they really do not serve the purpose. Stop being lazy and change your razor every week. Not only will you be able to have a proper shave, you will also spare your chin and cheeks the harshness of bad razors which could cause irritation.
2. No moisturizer
Yes, it is true that even a man’s skin requires moisture. To keep your skin from feeling rough and dry, apply a men’s moisturizer on a regular basis. If anything, it will make your face look good. Also, in order to avoid irritation from shaving, wrinkles and dry skin, a light moisturizer meant for male skin should be applied daily on the uncovered parts of the face and neck.
3. Too much perfume
It is not advisable to empty the entire bottle of your perfume or deodorant on your body because that does not really help and do more harm than good. What you really need is just two or three sprays at the right spots: the pulse points behind the ears and on the wrists. And these are enough to keep you smelling good throughout the day. Too much perfume makes others cover their noses!
4. Uncut and untidy nails
Dirty and long nails are a huge put-off. Whether you are a student or working, your hands are more or less always on display. So if you go for a manicure and pedicure once in a while, it will only enhance your overall appearance. Clean and neatly cut nails also add to your hygiene.