7 Dating Tips For a Single Dad

Photo Courtesy: marceloto
Being a parent is not an easy task, more so if you are a single parent without a spouse. The way you lead your life, your priorities and outlook completely change after having kids. Dating should be done with a little bit more care, keeping your kids in mind.
1. Don’t date like you did before marriage
You cannot possibly live the life of a young wanton bachelor again post marriage, if you have children in your care. You cannot be going on casual dates here and there, picking up girls randomly and disappear from home for whole nights as it will affect the growing minds of your children negatively.
2. Don’t neglect your children for dates
After becoming parents, the first priority of all fathers and mothers should always be their kids. You have bought them into the world, and hence, you are responsible for their proper journey until adulthood. Do not leave your children or neglect them by canceling plans you made with them for going out on dates.
3. Introduce only after she is a serious girlfriend
Your kids will grow up with loose morals if you start introducing every girl you take out for a date to them. They will assume their dad to be a player and emulate you. Firstly, date only girls who are mature and closer to your age and secondly, introduce them only to that girl whom you truly love and intend to marry.
4. Make your children understand
Don’t do an about turn after the introductions. You cannot leave your prospective new wife to forge a happy relationship with your kids all by herself. Children can be mean to those who try to take the place of their parents and give them step motherly treatment. Talk to your kids and make them understand about your need to remarry and move on in life. Tell them how good your girlfriend is.