7 Easy Ways to Make Friends

Photo Courtesy: amslerPIX
Well let’s cut the chase and get to the point. Everyone loves having good friends, but unfortunately most don’t know how to go about making them. Unless you are surrounded by asocial beings, these 7 steps should prove to be successful in making good friends easily.
1. Smile frequently
If you want to appear pleasant enough for people to notice and approach you, wear a smile on your face most of the times. When you make eye contact with people you would like to be friends with, smile casually. If you know them already, you can add in a hello and how are you doing as well.
2. Be proactive
Don’t just sit back and think that people will approach you with offers of friendship. Go out and extend the hand of friendship to those you wish to be pals with. Strike a conversation about the atmosphere of the place or anything that relates to both of you and could be common among you all.
3. Be mannerly
Show basic courtesy and manners by saying golden words like sorry, thank you, pardon me, excuse me, please, etc. With ladies, be chivalrous by holding the door open for them or letting them pass by first.
4. Show a sense of humor
Nothing can get you more instantly popular than a crackling sense of humor. Put your sarcasm and wit to a good use while trying to make friends. Don’t hold back or hesitate, but also don’t make jokes on any random co-worker. Even if you make someone your target, keep it light and apologize immediately if you feel that person felt offended. Avoid cracking sexist and dirty jokes.