7 Fashion Trends Men Should Abstain From

Photo Courtesy: bobbi vie
Men and fashion are not really compatible. It’s a known fact that men who are dating or are married have a better sense of style, thanks to their women’s advice than single men do. Here are 7 items of clothing that should be avoided by you at all costs. If you own any of them, then duly donate them to charity or throw them; do yourself and your loved one a favor.
1. Meggings
A boy like Justin Beiber wears the male equivalent of leggings and suddenly it becomes the rage in men’s fashion world. Adult men, how much ever thin they may be, just do not look good in meggings. Women find men wearing this piece of clothing, repulsive.
2. Pointed and square tipped shoes
These kind of formal shoes are just not done. They just don’t look right and God knows who made them, thinking what. They are ugly pieces of footwear; better stick to the traditional round or oval tipped shoes instead of these horrendous looking pairs.
3. Wearing tees with rock metal band names and logos
This is such a cheesy and done to death trend that it should have gone out of fashion years back. If you wish to come across as a wannabe, do wear such tees. Even if you are the biggest fan ever, of any rock metal band, wearing the black logo and name flaunting t-shirts will make you look downgrade and nothing else.
4. Cleavage baring t-shirts
You like it when women wear low cut tops, don’t you? Of course you do, but it has the opposite effect on women when you do the same. It makes men look gay or horny and will send women running in the opposite direction. So cover up properly and leave women to do the cleavage showing.