7 Fun Drinking Games for Parties

Photo Courtesy: derekskey
What fun is alcohol at parties if not for crazy drinking games? Getting plain wasted and doing weird antics is old now, it’s time to add more fun to the whole concept of drinking by going loco with games that are listed below. Try some or try all, depends on your drinking capacity.
1. Flip, slip or strip
In this game, everyone has to sit in a circle. 1 person will flip a coin and if they guess the heads or tails correct, then the coin should be passed to the right. If it is wrong, then the coin should be passed to the left and the person has to strip off 1 item of clothing off him or her. The one who remains the most clothed by the end is obviously the winner.
2. Beer Pong
The most popular drinking game, especially among college frats is the legendary Beer Pong. 2 teams will stand at opposite ends of a table. A triangular formation made of 6-10 cups will be arranged on both sides of the table. Every player from both teams has to, turn by turn, bounce a ping-pong ball on the table and aim for it to land into the opponent’s triangle. If it does, then the player who threw the ball has to drink a cup and cast it aside from his triangle. The team who’s triangle is eliminated first is the winner.
3. Boxing
Just like a boxing bout, 2 players will be the opponents here who will sit at opposite sides of the table. 2 others will be corner men who will fill the glasses of the players. Both player shave to roll a dice and whoever’s dice shows the lower number has to take a punch from his opponent along with a drink shot. The corner men have to encourage them to buck up and fill their glasses. Play it in 3 minute rounds or until someone pukes or is punched too bad.
4. ‘I Never’
This is a social/confessional game that will open up new secrets of your friends. For playing this game, everyone takes turns to state a line starting with ‘I Never’, for example, ‘I Never stole anything’. So those present there who have stolen anything in their life, have to drink a shot. Thus, the others will know that these people are the guilty ones. You can ask other fun questions about love lives, sex lives, etc. Be sure you have an interesting and outgoing bunch of people for this game who have no qualms in removing skeletons from their closets.