7 Healthy Substitutes for Junk Food

Photo Courtesy: veggiefrog
In this world of substitutes, it’s very easy to maintain a healthy diet when there are a variety of tasty healthy replacement foods available in the market that are as delicious as their junk counterparts. Here is a comprehensive list of foods that let you enjoy taste while giving you nutrition.
1. Popcorn
The next time you yearn for spicy crisps, remember that a much healthier option of popcorns is as easily available too. Blown up corn kernels are any day healthier than deep fried slices of potatoes. Popcorn also comes in various flavors, so you have no excuse to reach for the pack of crisps and then complain about weight gain.
2. Fresh fruit juices or diet colas
When in need of a drink with your meals or when you are exhausted, go for fresh fruit juices or diet sodas. They contain so much less calories than sugary cold drinks or packaged juices.
3. Green tea
Refresh your mind with green tea in lieu of milk tea and coffee. It is lighter, less calorific and more beneficial for the body. If you love milky drinks, add aspartame tablets instead of sugar.
4. Oats and muesli
Start your day with a bowl of oats or muesli with skim milk that is better than having frosted, sugary cereals and porridge. They contain fiber so that the food is easily digested and not stored in the body as fat.