7 Keys to a Woman’s Heart

Photo Courtesy: pressmaster ©crestock.com
How to win over a woman’s heart? Isn’t this the question that’s been plaguing men for centuries? Or since time immemorial? The question that’s made men into poets, poets into waxing eloquent lines, questioning and comparing a woman’s heart to the depths of the ocean, the darkest seas and the deepest forests… Honestly, there is much ado about nothing. When you break it down, men and women are not very different when it comes to wanting things in a relationship. They want to be happy period. So you want to win over a woman’s heart? Here are the keys to her heart.
1. Make her happy
Easier said than done, eh? Not so difficult. She wants flowers? Buy her flowers, you do not lose much, she’s happy. You are happy. Smile when you speak to her, be kind. The little gestures matter the most.
2. Sacrifice game night
Sacrifice that one game night for a romantic stroll, a candlelit dinner, her favorite soap, a shopping expedition. Do it once with a happy face. DO everything she wants and never complain or make any reference to the game. Not only will she feel on top of the world, but she’ll carry enough guilt about taking you away from your game, that she’d never ask you again. She knows you have made the ultimate sacrifice.
3. Cook for her
Cook once in a while. There’s something romantic about the men who can cook and cook well. If you aren’t the adventurous or fancy sort, then aim to cook something simple but delicious. It’s equally important to serve wine. Sometimes the way to a woman’s heart is also through her stomach.
4. Make your woman feel wanted
Keep upping the romance factor with movie nights or just a romantic gesture. Your woman needs to know that she is wanted and she would like to be wooed. Remember all the romantic things you have done for her, and do them again.