7 Must Have Car Accessories

Photo Courtesy: nightowl
Purchasing a car is just not enough today. Although most cars come equipped with accessories which would have had to be bought separately a decade ago, there are some new accessories on the block which are a must for your car. Make sure you have all of these things in your car to have a smooth driving experience every time.
1. Puncture repair kit
The sudden puncture of a tyre in the middle of nowhere is a headache most car owners have dealt with at some point of time. Having a repair kit handy will ease such troubles. The general kit consists of a spiral tool, inserting tool, puncture seals, rubber cement and a blade. Some have air canisters to inflate the tyres, but an electronic tyre inflator is better.
2. Seat covers
It is essential that you have seat covers as protecting sheaths for your seats for dirt doesn’t only settle on the car floor; it settles on the seats too. Food and drink spills, stains and fingerprints look ugly on the seats. Make your car look shiny and new from the inside too by investing in good seat covers.
3. Air fresheners/sprays
When a car is locked up overnight, the dank smell inside can put anyone off. Different smells keep drifting in and put of the car and if you want to make a good impression on your lady colleague you offered to give a lift to, make sure your car smells nice by stocking up on air sprays or an air freshener.
4. Remote locking system, gear, mirror and steering locks
Four of the most important safety locks for your cars are these listed above. Remote locking systems eliminate the need for an ignition key to lock the car and they also set the anti-theft alarm when you lock the car. Some of them also feature an impact detection sensor which sets off the alarm even if a window is tampered with. Gear locks lock the car into a set gear until you unlock it. Steering locks prevent the steering from turning as they are spring loaded with two appendages that fit on to the inside of a steering wheel. They come with extensions on both sides to prevent the steering wheel from turning. To prevent the theft of your car’s standard wing mirrors, get a mirror lock as well.