7 New Year Resolutions For Couples

Photo Courtesy: Filipe Dâmaso Saraiva
New Year is the best time to mend fences among couples, and we are not referring to the midnight kiss here, but the resolution taking part of the occasion. Couples can work out things for the better among them by taking joint resolutions like these listed below.
1. Be more understanding
Promise to understand each other as much as possible. Know better about what your partner wants, where she is coming from, how she is and her way of living. Don’t try to change each other, as compatibility is the key in any relationship. Try to accept her as she is and she should do the same.
2. Resolve fights as soon as possible
Resolve to sort out differences, arguments and fights, if any, at the same time they occur. If anyone asks for timeout, give them their space but don’t carry on later as if nothing happened and shove the issue under the carpet. It never does go under any carpet but gets stored in the heart as a grudge, which will turn into toxic later.
3. Eliminate 1 negative quality each
Suggest each other some negative qualities that you would not like to see in the New Year. It could be any vice, addiction, being too busy, getting angry often, etc. However, make sure the decision to eliminate a negative quality is ultimately left to each other.
4. Add 1 positive quality
Just like you both promise to deduct an undesirable quality from your selves, add a positive one to better your personality. You could suggest good qualities that you wish to see in each other but make the final decision as to what it will be to your individual selves.