7 Rules for Wearing Sunglasses

Photo Courtesy: 4774344sean ©crestock.com
Sunglasses were originally made to protect your eyes from the sun, but it soon became more of a style statement. Yet, to be stylish, you have to know that just like everything else, even wearing sunglasses has certain rules. Well, these definitely aren’t rules from the book, but are only to save you from looking stupid or rude.
1. Not for indoors
No matter how stylish your sunglasses are, do not wear them indoors, and definitely do not wear them at night. It will make you look like a complete fool and everyone will be making fun of you. Though, you may wear them indoors or at night only if you have an eye infection, etc. That is very much acceptable.
2. Go for the right shape and size
If you have a square face structure, go for round frames. If you have a round face, go for the angular and square frames. Also, big glasses look more glamorous, but make sure you can carry them off well, or else they are a total game spoiler.
3. Take them off to talk
It is always pleasant to take off your sunglasses while taking to someone. Especially if the reflection on your glass is really high and the other person has to look at himself as he speaks to you. This can get really annoying and creates a communication barrier.
4. No tiaras!
If you are not wearing your sunglasses, hang them from your pockets. Do not put them on your head like a tiara. It really does not look cool.