7 Shoes Every Man Should Own

Photo Courtesy: ElnurCrestock ©crestock.com
Clothes maketh a man And so does shoes. Shoes are an important part of dressing up. Good shoes not only keep your leg comfortable but also reduce stress on your feet. And that is not the only thing shoes are for. Shoes are meant for walking and also making a good impression. Women, and a lot of women think more of a man with good shoes and shoes, believe it or not have their own story to tell about you. It doesn’t matter if you are stylish, or a metro sexual, a hipster or just a normal guy, it pays to give importance to your shoes and have a pair of the following.
1. A good pair of formal black shoes or/and brown
They come handy in a lot of occasions. People not only look at your clothes but also your shoes when you are in an interview. So it pays to invest in a good pair of formal shoes. It also comes handy in a wedding or a funeral or other formal occasions when you have to wear a suit. The formal shoes can be in black or brown. Avoid white shoes when dressing formally.
2. Sneakers
You need to have a pair of sneakers to walk around, run errands or to make a fashion statement. You can experiment a lot with sneakers, with the colors, the make and especially with the laces. Add a bit of character to you and your shoes by going for bright colors.
3. Running shoes
It may be comfortable for a while, but you can do some serious running with your sneakers. There are specific shoes made for running and you need to have them to not hurt your feet.
4. Boots
Depending on what you do the most; buy a good pair of hiking boots or work boots. Nothing protects your feet in rough terrains than solidly built boots. Boots are also a good buy if you are into riding motorcycles.