7 Signs a Female Coworker is Flirting With You

Photo Courtesy: Alex E. Proimos
Do you think that a female co-worker at work is flirting with you? Look out for these common signs that she is flirting with you because she is attracted to you.
1. She keeps checking you out
Does she keep staring at you all the time? Does she keep glancing at you every now and then? From the corner of your eye, do you feel that she is looking at you when you are not watching? A classic sign that a female co-worker may be flirting with you is when she keeps checking you out. It is one thing to give someone a random glance but doing it again and again is a sign that there is something in you which attracts her.
2. She finds reasons to come close to you and touch you
It may be common to touch someone on their shoulder to give them a friendly pat but if you notice that a female co-worker finds excuses to touch you, she could be flirting with you. A random slap on the shoulder or a friendly pat on arm can be acceptable but if things keep getting too touchy between the both of you, it may be a sign that she considers you more than just a colleague.
3. She keeps walking by your desk
Everyone needs to go from one point in the office to another. But if you notice that she specifically takes a route which makes her walk past your desk, it may be a sign that she wants to grab your attention.
4. There is gossip in the office about the two of you
If a female co-worker is serious about her flirty intentions with you, she may have told someone else in the office. Such gossip tends to find its way to everyone in the office and rarely stays a secret. If one of your other co-workers has casually mentioned something like this to you, or if your co-workers tease you with that particular woman, it can be a sign that she has confided in someone about her feelings for you.