7 Signs of a Relationship Gone Wrong

Photo Courtesy: pdpics.com
Sometimes your relationship just doesn’t feel the same. Things begin to change, even your girl begins to change. It’s time for you to reconsider what to do. We give you the top 7 signs of a relationship gone wrong.
1. The emotion is missing
It is beautiful how girls can tell their partner the smallest thing with the biggest warmest expression. But the day you feel that the expression is lost somewhere, it is time you sit back and see what has changed. Always remember that there is a difference between sharing something with your partner and just telling them something for the heck of it.
2. She talks about everything but the relationship
Yes, when a girl wants to talk about everything around you except your relationship, there is definitely something wrong. For any girl the relationship is an important part of her world, but when she avoids talking about it, her priorities may have changed.
3. Your small gestures are not reciprocated anymore
It is amazing to see how small gestures can bring a huge smile on her face. From holding hands to a wink in public, all these small things add up and build the chemistry that you share. But when these things are not there anymore, or are not being appreciated, then there is surely something amiss.
4. She tends to end discussions too quickly
Girls and discussions are almost synonyms! They love to discuss, especially when they are in a relationship. Even after an argument they would discuss how to put an end to it and get back to the way things were. But when she says, “There is no point discussing this, just leave it,” you better start thinking of where the relationship is going.