7 Signs She Wants to Break Up With You

Photo Courtesy: cheetah100
Breaking up is a painful experience, whether you are the initiator or not. Girls especially, will haw and hum for some time before taking decisions related to matters of the heart, and hence you should be able to pick up cues that indicate an oncoming break up announcement from her.
1.She doesn’t seem keen to meet you
A couple that is very much in love won’t think twice before meeting up. However, your girl may be wanting a break up if she has started avoiding you and makes silly restrictions or excuses for why she cannot meet; something which never used to happen before.
2.She has started talking of breaking up
Her talks include sentences like, ‘If we split up’ or ‘When we will go on to live our own lives’. She is dropping subtle hints of a future in which you are not present.
3.The talks have become mechanical and monotonous
You both have started talking to each other like professional colleagues and not lovers. The talks have become to the point and mechanical without any romance or tenderness. If she has stopped saying I love you, then the love is gone.
4.She hesitates to show physical display of affection
The physical intimacy that bonds a couple has started to wane and almost disappear. She hesitates to kiss, hug or even hold your hand, gestures she used to effortlessly do before.