7 Signs that She is Not Worth Dating

Photo Courtesy: mrhayata
Have you thought about doing a background check on the girl you are dating or are about to date? Have you noticed anything weird in her behavior which you feel unsure about? Read on to know about a few signs which indicate that she may not be worth dating.
1. Her relationship history is very flippant
You may want to rethink your decision about dating a girl if you find out that she had flippant and meaningless relationships with many other guys in the past. It is not about being judgmental of someone by the number of exes they had, but about getting a sense of their personality traits. If the girl you are dating is careless at sustaining relationships including friendship, she may not be worth dating at all.
2. She has a bad reputation among her friends
Have you spoken to your date’s friends only to find out that they don’t have good things to say about her? This should ring an alarm bell in your head and you should consider it to be a warning sign. If her friends don’t stand by her, there may be something really strange about her behavior or attitude that you may not know straight away.
3. Your bandwidths don’t match
It is absolutely fine to date a girl and then find out that you may be totally incompatible with her. If you feel that her attitude towards life is drastically different than yours, then it may be a sign that she is not worth dating. This may actually save you both a lot of pain and trouble in future.
4. You don’t feel butterflies in your stomach when you meet her
Attraction is one of the factors that can help you determine whether you should be dating a girl or not. If you don’t feel butterflies in your stomach when you see her smile or if you don’t feel like reaching for her hand when she is sitting right across the table, she may not be the girl you would want as a partner.