7 Signs You are a Mama’s Boy

Photo Courtesy: the_toe_stubber
Being a mama’s boy is a good thing, but only for you and your mother, not your girlfriend or wife. Are you still a kid in your mother’s eyes and are finding it hard to become independent? Is your better half complaining time and again about this quality of yours? It’s time to get a reality check and if you are doing any of these 7 things then you are surely a mama’s boy.
1.You are living with your mother
It’s a given that you and your mom dote on each other if you both are still living in the same house, despite you having ventured well into adulthood. You just can’t be independent enough to take a new house and move into it as you are still very attached to your mama.
2.You ask her before taking decisions
While informing her about your decisions is fine, asking for her permission every time you have to decide something is not a sign of a man. You are still clearly depending on your mom to guide you in life and make decisions for you.
3.You compare your girlfriend or wife with your mother
Much to the annoyance of your girlfriend or wife, you may be comparing her to your mother without realizing how irritating it is for her. Yes you adore your mother’s cooking, cleaning and other skills, but expecting your better half to take care of you like your mom does is not reasonable and this could spell trouble in your relationship.
4.You spend more time with her than your friends or girlfriend
So attached are you to your mom that you prefer spending your free time with her than your friends or girlfriend. Keep in mind that no one likes a mama’s boy except your mama herself, and how much ever fantastic your mom is, you have got to be a man and live your own life.