7 Signs You Are a Workaholic

Photo Courtesy: adactio
It’s essential to do well and put in your best in today’s cut-throat world where many people are vying for your position. However, getting a work-life balance is also a must, for at the end of the day, you are basically working for having a good life, and if you don’t enjoy that life, it becomes a stupid irony. You may be living this stupid irony if you show these symptoms.
1. You work overtime
If you are the first to come in and last to leave the office, whether you are a junior or a boss, you are certainly too devoted to your work. You put in extra hours at work and actually enjoy doing that. You don’t understand why others try to leave the office as soon as possible.
2. You feel empty without work
You have no idea what to do with free time. A feeling of emptiness is felt and you start itching to get back to your work. Life seems a pointless waste without it.
3. You prefer working than being with family or friends
The idea of expanding your business or typing away on your keyboard entices you more than spending time with your family and friends. You find yourself getting distracted to thoughts about your work when you are with them, and feel restless until you excuse yourself from them and get back to what you love to do most- work.
4. You strongly want to prove your worth
Ambition and climbing the career ladder means a lot more to you than anyone or anything else in life. You want to prove others how good and successful you are by putting in all your time and energy in your work.