7 Signs You Are Jealous of Your Coworker

sxc.hu: Bikefellow
Competition at work is an age-old phenomenon, however when the ugly green head of jealousy rears its head, it can lead to animosity, hatred and disharmony. Here are 7 signs that will help you determine if you have started to get jealous of your coworker or not.
1.You dislike them getting appreciation
Any pat on the back or words of appreciation meted out by seniors and colleagues to a coworker gets you irked. Even if you get lauded as well, you feel the said coworker doesn’t deserve so much of good feedback and is getting off easier than others.
2.You can’t tolerate their promotions
Whether you have got a promotion yourself or not, you can’t tolerate the said coworker getting a raise. You hate their guts if they ask for one and still hate them if they have got one without asking.
3.You are waiting for them to mess up
You are constantly on the lookout, hoping they will mess up their work sooner than later. Any glitch or problem in their work that occurs, gives you hopes that they will be dismissed, berated or would leave on their own.
4.Even when they are friendly, you are not
The feeling of envy is a strong one and blinds people to the goodness of the other person. Hence, even if the coworker is friendly to you, you are just formal or curt and don’t want to interact much with them.