7 Signs You are Unhealthy

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Being healthy is very important to do things that you want and enjoy life to its maximum. Even to indulge in excesses from time to time you need to have a healthy body and mind. Fortunately your skin, hair and body are good indicators of how healthy you are feeling. If you notice closely you can see for yourself how unhealthy your body is becoming. The trick is to align your mind with your body and notice the signals that your body is sending you. Here are a few signs that will let you know when you are becoming unhealthy. The most obvious are the most easiest to spot.
1. You skin is dry and flaky
This means that your skin is not getting enough essential oils. Also a deficiency in nutrients and vitamins can also make your skin look listless and paler than normal. This means that you will have to replenish your body with enough nutrients and foods with good fat and oil.
2. Your hair is brittle and falls a lot
Sometimes it is not only the water or the bad shampoo that is to blame for hair fall. Diseases or an onset of sickness can also result in hair becoming brittle and falling out a lot. When it starts to fall out in clumps, it is serious and you need to see a doctor immediately.
3. You feel the need to urinate a lot
A few times a day is normal and a few more is ok if you are drinking a lot of water. But if you have to visit the bathroom a few times every hour, it is time you got yourself checked for diabetes or an infection.
4. You stomach is constantly bloated
If you have a bloated stomach every single day and it hurts when you exercise or carry weights, you might have gastric problems or ulcers that you may have to get checked.