7 Things Men Can’t Live Without

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Compared to women, men have it easy as far as carrying stuff around is concerned. While most women carry around purses that are stuffed to the hilt with various things, most of which are pretty much useless, men need only a few essentials to get by the day. These are the stuff that men will be all at sea without, the day-to-day essentials.
1. The smartphone
We never came to know how and when smartphones entered our lives and made them so enriching as well as entertaining. For most men it’s the epicenter of their lives for the little device connects you to people and the world in the best way possible. Without the feel of a smartphone in their hands or pockets, men feel lost and cut off form their surroundings.
2. A Deodorant
Men dig a deodorant, perfume or cologne of their favorite smell and brand. Most of them perspire more than women and yes many of them do not like to take baths daily. That is where these odor masks come in handy. Besides, it’s known that women love nice smelling men, so that’s an added bonus for them to keep a deodorant with them always.
3. Sports
As the famous saying goes, boys will be boys and they would always be crazy about some form of sport. Although some of them may not be that into sports, they have got to show their macho sides and do what all men do, have a favorite team by which their loyalties lie till their very last breath. Hence, all men need sports highlights, news, scores and other such information from time to time.
4. Fantasy inducing stuff
Any and every man, whether they ever admit it or not, has enjoyed things that fuel their sexual fantasies. These could be porn on the net, Playboy magazines, erotic films, strip clubs, sexy music videos, etc. It’s hard for them to stay off these things unless they have a woman by their side whom they are serious about and love to get intimate with.